Woodworm is an insect of the family of beetles (Coleoptera) that feeds on wood. The term defines these insects xilofago well as literally means wood eaters.

These insects live around the world and thousands of different genera are known. They have adapted to all kinds of weather. They usually feed on dead wood and is carved as furniture and beams or are dead trunks. Their work is beneficial as they help to degradation of dead wood in forests, however in the case of human constructions can be a nuisance.

This insect can destroy gradually the structures that support a house or furniture deteriorating from the inside. They lay their eggs in a crack or crevice of a wood. Small larvae begin to eat wood at birth and build galleries. The most common way to realize that we are being attacked by woodworm pinholes is leaving this insect as it leaves the wood in their adult phase. To choose the most appropriate treatment must take into account in particular which is the size and thickness of the wood to be treated.

There are three types of biotic agents: longhorn beetles, longhorn beetles anóbidosLos lyctid and are known as the large woodworm or long-horned beetle to have very long antennae, become longer than its body. The larvae under the bark flutter on the loose dust. Loslíctidos or beetles dust is commonly known by this name because their larvae make galleries releasing a very fine powder, like talc. These beetles are recognizable because the holes are round exits.

The sign of an infestation is the abundance of holes and accumulation of woodworm polvo.Los is commonly known as woodworm and are distributed worldwide. They not normally live in wood exposed outdoors, but indoors. Damage was spread throughout the house and buildings (structures, coverings or furniture).

They focus on fresh and high humidity places, so it is common to find these attacks in museums and churches, as the temperature of 20 ° C is favorable and writs places allow you to start.

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